Italian ultrà groups - hardcore fans - are notorious but they often form bonds with fans of other clubs. This process is called 'gemellaggio' - or 'twinning'. We talk to Tom Griffiths from the Calcio England blog to discuss the topic.
Ahead of the FIFA Women's World Cup, we talk to Professor Jean Williams from the University of Wolverhampton about the history of the women's game.
The dictatorship of General Francisco Franco ruled Spain from 1939-75. It was a brutal regime that coincided with Spain's emergence as a footballing powerhouse.
We talk to Alejandro Quiroga from the University of Newcastle to learn about football as a propaganda tool and also the domestic political dynamic around football during this period.
We talk to Sofia-based football journalist Metodi Shumanov to get the lowdown on Bulgarian groundhopping, history and football culture. Thanks to Tony from the History Bhoys Abroad podcast for fielding the questions.